Difference between Central Bank digital currency and cryptocurrency

Digital currency and cryptocurrency, both are frequently used words in economic world these days. However, there is a sharp line of difference between the two.In the meanwhile, people considered both of them are same but it is not so. Here,we are going to explain that what are basic differences between Central Bank digital currency and cryptocurrency 1.Meaning Central Bank digital currency are essentially the electronic version of Fiat or legal tender money used in any country. on the other hand, cryptocurrencies currencies is maintained by cryptography technique and can be transferred easily. Broadly speaking, cryptocurrency is a sub-type of digital currency. 2.Example Example of Central Bank digital currency is Hong Kong's Octopus card, which is launched in 1997, Chinese Renminbi. On the other hand, the example of cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin and Ethereum. 3.Centralisation Central Bank digital currency is highly centralised curren...