How to address anxeity during public speaking

Public speaking is not a easy task for 75% of people.Most of the people around us fears stage.They feels anxeity while standing in front of public to speak.It seems to a big problem as it will constantly degrade your moral to speak.

But,you can easily reduce your fear to speak publicly by addressing this issue.It is not a big deal,if you follow certain tips and tricks while you are going to speak.

 Anxiety during public speaking is generally known as performance anxiety, more specifically it is called Glossophobia. In this type of anxiety, people suffers certain symptoms such as teary Eyes, shivering hands and legs, sticky tongue, dry throat, etc.this type of anxiety reduces the confidence level of the person to zero.Even having a good content cannot help you much in speaking in front of audience.

Here are some points from which you can reduce your anxiety during public speaking:

1.Know your topic

Most of the time the reason for this anxeity is that, we are not fully aware about our topic. we either partly know it or we had a fear that audience knows the topic more better than you.So,they will definitely judge you by your performance.
This type of anxiety can be reduced if you made pre-preparation of your topic fully and understand all the associated sub-topics that can be raised.

Example: suppose you are going to speak about environment day, then you must be prepared with when is environment day, how you are going to celebrate Environment Day, why environment day is important,from when the celebration of environment day started, what is the theme of today's Environment Day  and also of some recent years,what commitment you are going to make on this Environment Day,you must know all about organisers and the motto of organisers to organise  this event,audience,etc.

 2.No readymade written script

Experience suggests that one of the major reason behind performance anxiety is written script.Those who come in the stage with proper readymade written script and then mug it up, definitely forget it because one of the reason behind their nervousness is that they imagine themselves in situation of what will happen if I forget. Then people will laugh at me. Actually,if you are using readymade written anchoring script then there has been 95% chances of forgoting because your anxiety will never let you remember those things. 

Try not to mug up entire script, instead speak up your own thoughts on the topic.However, you may be confused that if we did not write down the script,then,how can we speak.So,get to the next point.

 3.Breif your points

You can write brief points of your topic in a small sheet of paper or even you can write this down in your hands. you can even write in a paper and put it in podium. Instead of writing a full paragraph just brief of these points in the way you can easily understand.Catch your point and speak fluently in your own words. this will never let you forget any of the point.Never place you in the position when you just stand silent and think.

4.Body movement

 body movement always makes your public speaking more realistic and connects you with audience directly.It shows your confidence level too. your body language and body expressions are as much as important as your words.If you speak to audience by natural movements of your hands and face, then you will feel more like you are talking to someone.This will reduce your anxeity to a low level.

5.Get support

While preparing sometimes you might feel like your content you  is of much low level than of others.
people will judge you your content.This will increase the level of anxiety and nervousness. To overcome this issue try to get some popular support for your preparation.Try to find out lines, phrases, ideas,facts from other rich sources, so that you find your content more attractive and unique than others.

 6.Focus on yourself,not audience

 keep it in your mind that you are far more better than audience because they are just audience and you are speaker.
Not everyone is a speaker and not everyone has been given a chance to speak in front of audience.Don't fear public scrutiny because no one is going to remember the worst, even a bad performance but everyone is going to remember the good, and the best performance.Just try to give your best, instead of worrying about how people will react after you.However, if you get worried by reaction of somebody, then you can never become a good public speaker because audience's facial expressions,comments,shouts, etc are the obvious reaction of the audience.These are not for you but for everyone who speaks,good or bad. 

Preparing a backup of your words,such as if you remain silent for even a second,means if you don't remember what to speak next,prepare a backup plan to speak on that very moment.Just  speak whatever is in your mind,don't stop.

Trust me,If you are prepared with a backup plan then you will never forget any line and will speak very fluently, even if you are a fresher.

 8.Hold your imagination

Before performance,if you pre-imagine that how people will react, then you may not speak much well.

However, if still you have to do,then please imagine a positive side like people are clapping, people are jumping with joy after your performance.Don't consider yourself low.

9.No ideal perfection required

Just give your 100% which is enough for any performance to be a perfect.Perfection does not have a criteria, it only decides how one Is unique.your perfection is yours only and for others is theirs only.If you want to be perfect in criteria of someone else, then you will never be perfect in your life.Be perfect in your own way.

10.Deep breathe

 If you are just open to stage and you are facing the shivering hands, cold hands and dry throat, just take a deep breath,recall name of your favourite person, ask you almighty to bless you,and start speaking with enthusiasm.

Much more ways to make you good public speaker with confidence, which will be discussed later but if you are having extremely high level of performance anxiety then please go for a cognitive behavioral therapy.
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