What is public speaking and it's type

"The spoken word can be even more powerful than the written word in the hands of right speaker"

Public speaking is a soft skill,which is also called oratory skills or oration, in which one has to speak live in front of some audience. The topic for public speaking vary according to situation. It requires a good communication skills, confidence, ability to persuade audience, and clarity of argument to be a good speaker.

Public speaking is very important in every aspect of life, from personal to professional  aspects both requires a good public speaking skills.
Person with good public speaking skills is always admired by all.
There are different types of public speaking. Majorly,there are five types of public speaking. they are public speaking to inform, public speaking to persuade, public speaking to motivate, public speaking to entertain, and public speaking in ceremonies.

 Here,we are going to discuss one-by-one in detail.

 Types of public speaking

1.Public speaking to inform-

 Public speaking to inform, is also called informative speaking in general.In this type of public speaking, one speaks to inform others about some important topic.The topic must be based on relevancy with the audience.

 Most important aspect of this type of speaking is the credibility of the speaker. A public speaker can only be listened, if audience believe that the information provided by the particular speaker is credible enough.
Speaker must have the complete knowledge of the particular topic, so that he/she can define each and every aspect of a particular topic such as facts,arguments, & statistical data, etc.
Demonstrative public speaking is also a part of this type of public speaking.In demonstrative public speaking, one demonstrate the entire process of something like how the something is going to happen.

2.Public speaking to persuade

Public speaking to persuade,or the persuasion, requires a high skill of argumentation, a logical mind, and full of information, to persue the audience to change their mind about something. This is most important public speaking skill required in your professional life. By this type of speaking,you can persuade your colleagues, seniors,team workers, & even your followers to be on your side.

 Persuasive personality is highly admired by all and you can always become the leader for the change with this skill. however,persuasion required a higher amount of argumentative power. your augment must be strong enough to make audience change their mind in your favour.Weak arguments can reduce your credibility and public image.

3.Public speaking to motivate

Public speaking to motivate,or motivation, is also a significant type of public speaking.A good public speaker can always motivate audience. These days we can easily find out famous motivational public speake. we can usually see them on social networking site as well as on youtube videos.Whenever we find low on enthusiasm and courage towards our goal, we prefer to listen these motivational speakers.

By public speaking for motivation, you can easily earn a good amount of money.You can also become a Life coach too.
Motivational speaker are always good influencers. 

This type of speaking skills requires good understanding of psychological aspects of mind.Without analysing the psychological aspects of human mind, you cannot influence or motivate someone. Everybody is different in their state of mind, understand their requirement and then speak.Motivational speaking should be done in easiest common language, so that it can be easily understandable.

4.Public speaking to entertain

 These days,public speaking is widely used as a entertaining tool. Most of the platform provide a good opportunity for public speakers to entertain others and earn a good amount of money.we can easily find some cine stars just gaining the LimeLight because of their  entertaining power.

 This type of public speaking requires good sense of humour and quick answering ability. This also requires proper understanding about the mind of audience.However, it is  duty of each public speaker to not to hurt the sentiments of the audience by their way of entertaining the people.

 This type of public speaking can be put under informative speaking in some cases.Many teaching or social awareness platforms uses entertaining public speaking as a tool to inform audience in easy to understand way.

 5.Public Speaking in ceremonies

Most of the people come across this type of public speaking.In this type of public speaking, you have to speak while you become the part of some ceremony.The scope of this type of public speaking is very large such as from school functions, farewell parties, Fresher parties to awards functions,even  your family functions & get together.These ceremonies are generally semi-formal in nature.So,a proper balance of emotions and words are required in front of public. Sometimes, you become too much emotional & speak everything whatever is in your heart. It will sometimes effect your public image. However, sometimes you speak very straight forward without any emotions.It will present you as rude and egoistic personality.So, ceremonial speaking requires a proper balance between emotions and words.


 Concludingly, we can say that public speaking is important in every aspect of life.Each-of-us,some-or-the other day, requires to speak in front of public. Each of the above explained types of public speaking are interconnected with each other but clarifying each will increase your understanding of public speaking well. Here, all five types of public speaking help you to choose your category and rock the stage.

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