Myth 2: Experienced Speakers never become nervous

Public speaking is surrounded with atmosphere of fear and fear only.One of the major reason behind this fear of public speaking is prevalent myths about public speaking.These myths act as a wall between you and your success.They hinders your path to become an amazing speaker. 

These myths,or misconceptions are prevelent in our society since ages.With time,these are believed to be true.These misconceptions needed to be the debunked on time, because each time when it comes in your mind, it will minimises your confidence and maximizes  your fear.

As we have discussed, how public is speaking is important in both personal as well as professional life.So let's make it easy for you by debunking them:
Myth 2 : Experienced Speakers never become nervous

Another famous myth related to public speaking is about experienced Speakers never become nervous. This widely accepted myth claims that after a lot of experience in speaking, the professional or experienced speaker no longer become nervous before a speech.

This is not at all true.

It is very common to get nervous before a speech. This nervousness can occur with anyone,experienced speaker as well as a beginner i.e. a non experience speaker.

Nervousness before speaking is due to  stage or performance fear, which is also called glossophobia. In it,  a person who is going to perform on stage faces shivering, or anxiety, or both.Most of the time, due to nervousness performancer go blank from his mind & speaks nothing in stage, he completely forget what to speak next.

In nervousness, sometimes speaker start Speaking too fast,which unknowingly to him, present himself as low on confidence to audience. This anxeity is no less dreadful than death.

 Experience to this kind of anxeity is very common.Nearly 95 % of people faces this type of anxeity while going on stage.This anxeity is good to happen.This is a proof of your sensitivity and emotional activeness.

If you didn't  get nervous before your performance that means your performance will be going to be a emotionless, blank and flat one.

 Your nervousness is your stored potential, which can make you even more sensitive towards your audience.This will make you more cautious about your audience's gestures, reactions as well as your towards your performance.It will definitely upgrade your performance.Your nervousness will act as fuel for your performance.

Hence,we can say that nervousness can have dual effects i.e. possitive as well negative. 

For the negative side, it can make you speak fast or remain blank whereas  for the positive side,it can make you more sensitive towards your performance. 

The only & basic difference between a experienced speaker and a non-experienced Speaker  is their knowledge and effective use of tips and tricks which professional speakers use in their orations. Whereas a non experienced orator can't use them and hence can't transform the negativity of nervousness into positivity.

However,it is notable that no tips and tricks can completely eliminate the nervousness,instead these tricks can only reduce your  anxiety to minimum level.

 We are debunking this myth & can proudly announce that experienced speakers too face nervousness and anxiety like other non-experienced speakers in their oration.
But, professional / experienced speakers can easily transform their nervousness into fuel by using effective tips and tricks.

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