Myth 3 : Introverts can't perform on stage

Public speaking is surrounded with atmosphere of fear and fear only.One of the major reason behind this fear of public speaking is prevalent myths about public speaking.These myths act as a wall between you and your success.They hinders your path to become an amazing speaker. 

These myths,or misconceptions are prevelent in our society since ages.With time,these are believed to be true.These misconceptions needed to be the debunked on time, because each time when it comes in your mind, it will minimises your confidence and maximizes  your fear.

As we have discussed, how public is speaking is important in both personal as well as professional life.So let's make it easy for you by debunking them:

Myth 3: Introverts can't perform on stage

Nearly one-third to one-half of the entire population is introvert in nature. It is generally believed that introverts cannot perform on stage, especially they cannot do public speaking.

The most surprising thing is even introverts themselves assumes that they cannot do public Speaking, as they consider it a job for extroverts only. Introverts themselves are unable to explore the creativity & potential within themselves.

If this myth regarding introverts is believed than nearly half of the population will be remain out of the stage.

No,don't judge a book by its cover.

It is absolutely wrong to assume that Introverts cannot perform on  stage.

One of most popular and widely accepted book for introverts written by Susan Cain,'Quiet: The power of introverts in a world that cannot stop talking', clearly mentions that this is absolutely false to say that introverts cannot speak on stage.Instead,they are more creative and better at literary skills, than any extrovert.But, these prevelent myths cannot let them come in public and speak.

Nature has not discriminated between extroverts and introverts to  distribute the ability of becoming a successful speaker.Extroverts can easily discover but for introverts,it is not easy to get up from their own comfort zone.
If somehow they can,they can make anyone suprise by their skills

Introverts believe that they will face nervousness, anxiety, shivering hands, & blank voice, etc in giving any speech or performance. But, surprisingly to them,everyone including introverts,extroversts, experienced, non-experienced, professional as well as non-professional speaker has to face nervousness and anxiety before going on stage.

However, we can say that it is difficult for introverts to speak publicly as they are naturally uncomfortable in front of public but their practice can make them do so easily.many of the greatest speakers such as Bill Gates, & JK Rowling themselves mentions that they are introverts in nature initially.But later, with the constant practice and efforts, they came in front as the greatest speakers of all the time.

Notably,honorable father of the nation of India, Mahatma Gandhi who himself was a great speaker, was initially a introvert but later, his speeches mobilises millions of people in India for the sake of freedom.

Public performance is more related to your creativity and understanding.Creativity is not gifted based on your nature,instead introverts can be equally creative as an extrovert or even more. Because introverts has their own world around them, where they can effectively focus on their content,presentation, and can practice more well.

Susas Cain mentions that it is tiring and emotionally laborious for someone to become a personality that is not yours.

But, if you are interested and willing to be a good public speakers for your successful personal and professional life, then practice more & more and follow few magical  tips and tricks adopted by popular speakers.This will surely help you to become an amazing and effective public speaker.

Public Speaking is all about your understanding about your audience.Some people argue that introvers are low in their experience about audience (public) and their reactions,making uneasy for them to perform.Introverts are more sensitive to their reactions.This can be true, but tips and tricks work a lot to make them understand the audience's reactions, needs, & gestures etc.

Concludingly, we can proudly announce that introverts can be an amazing speaker like an extrovert.Only need for them is their willingness, determination, practice and know-how of public speaking tools and tricks.

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