Myth 4 : Speeches are to be memorized

Public speaking is surrounded with atmosphere of fear and fear only.One of the major reason behind this fear of public speaking is prevalent myths about public speaking.These myths act as a wall between you and your success.They hinders your path to become an amazing speaker. 

These myths,or misconceptions are prevelent in our society since ages.With time,these are believed to be true.These misconceptions needed to be the debunked on time, because each time when it comes in your mind, it will minimises your confidence and maximizes  your fear.

As we have discussed, how public is speaking is important in both personal as well as professional life.So let's make it easy for you by debunking them:

Myth 4 : Speeches are to be memorized

Most of the people think that all the good speeches are to be memorized. Without memorization,we cannot speak a single word,this is not so.

However, memorization is essential part of delivering a speech but
Word-to-word memorization of any speech is not required at all.

Now,the question arises in your mind about two contradictory things I have mentioned above, that memorization is essential part as well as verbatim is not required.

Yes,But,the essential part is to memorize some bullet points of your speech.These points must be as small as possible i.e. it can be of one word also. They can help you to easily recall your entire speech.

Memorization is required in two cases :

1.You are unable to understand your topic - 

if you are not completely aware of your topic and cannot understand it well. Then you try to mug up this speech and deliver it in front of audience without understanding it.

 2.Pre written script by someone else

if you did not prepare your script and ask someone else to prepare it for you, then you will be delivering the mind of some other persons to your audience.

Both cases will make your content very rich and attractive but your oration will lack emotion. A mugged and memorized speech will always be monotonous and flat as your personal emotions are not involved in it.

Delivering a speech is not all about content.It is about how you are involved in it. In a speech your emotion which will be displayed by your body language, eye-contact etc.,mugged speech will be empty.

Speech is not about reading,it is about talking.So, try to talk to your audience, just not read a pre-written content.

More memorizing also means more chances of forgetting what you have memorized. larger speech need larger memorization and more chances of forgetting. Not only forgetting, also chances of freezing,going blank, and fumbling also increases.

A memorised speech can make you an orator but it will never make you a successful Orator.

Now,How to remember a long speech?

 There are many tips and tricks that professional and experienced speakers use to recall their speeches.

The best way to recall your speech while you are on stage is to make bullet notes. But,For this you need to know the topic well.Just note down tiny points of your speech,have a glance at them and elaborate those points in your own way. Elaborating them in your own way give a realistic experience to the audience.

Not only the audience,but you will also enjoy your performance. Delivering a unmemorized speech  will make you even more confident on the stage.

Concludingly,we want to announce that verbatim isn't necessary for becoming a successful orator,only knowing your points is enough.Just elaborate them in your own words.

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