
Showing posts from March, 2022

Myth 1 : Good Speakers are born with natural skills

Public speaking is surrounded with atmosphere of fear and fear only.One of the major reason behind this fear of public speaking is prevalent myths about public speaking.These myths act as a wall between you and your success.They hinders your path to become an amazing speaker.  These myths,or misconceptions are prevelent in our society since ages.With time,these are believed to be true.These misconceptions needed to be the debunked on time, because each time when it comes in your mind, it will minimises your confidence and maximizes  your fear. As we have discussed, how public is speaking is important in both personal as well as professional life.So let's make it easy for you by debunking them one-by-one: Myth 1  Good Speakers are born with natural skills  The most common and generally believed myth about public speaking is that 'all the good speakers are born with the natural skills of speaking, or they are born orators" But, this is in no case true. We can tak

Careers based on speaking skills

Today, Success in most of the jobs are based on your speaking skills.Some jobs may not directly want you to be good at communication m skill but indirectly each and every job requires a good communication skills.  Now,not even thousands but millions of aspirants are aspiring for a single opportunity.Instead of equal knowledge and abilities some stand behind while some go forward and reach their goal. To know professional benifits of public Speaking Speaking skill is such a skills which make you look extraordinary in a crowd of million aspirants today.  Here,we are mentioning some of the jobs which are completely based on your speaking skills,so if you want to pursue one of these careers,then start brushing your speaking skills & become a good and influencing speaker. These are: 1.Teacher , at all levels, 2.Coach , like fitness coach,sports coach,hobby coach,etc, 3.Sales Representative , of any brand/company, 4.Human Resource manager, in any organisation, 5.J

Professional benifits of public speaking

Today, the world is full of competition.In this era of cut-throat competition, it is very difficult for one to make his/ her own identity among the crowd of people, having the same degrees or qualifications. What makes you different in a queue of numerous aspirants fighting for a job having same degrees and qualification? It is your special skills and talent.  Public speaking is one of that skill, which is most important for any competitor to win. To know personal benifits of public Speaking,click here We are giving you several benefits which public speaking provides you professionally- 1.Career Advancement  If you are a good public speaker, the possibility of your early promotions as well as most frequent promotions is much higher than of a non speaker. your career run fast & you will be admired by everyone in your workplace. 2.More opportunities  Everyone is looking forward for more and more opportunities in their professional life. But,it is known to all

Personal benifits of public speaking

Public speaking is important for both the aspects of life, personal and professional.The benefits of public speaking are different for personal and professional life. But,it is equally advantages for both the aspects. To know professional benifits of public Speaking,click here No doubt,A successful public speakers has a wonderful and attractive personality.Everyone admire him as well as get influenced from his personality. Hereby, we are explaining you about what are the major benefits you receive after being a good public speaker.   Grow team of supporters As said, " Man is a social animal ", we always need a social surrounding around us to live in a society.A person who lacks social surrounding faces several problems such as depression, anxiety, etc. but a person with strong social support always has atmosphere of happiness around them.  Public speaking is most recommended tool to grow a team of supporter around you. with it, your personality will become attract

What is public speaking and it's type

"The spoken word can be even more powerful than the written word in the hands of right speaker" Public speaking is a soft skill,which is also called oratory skills or oration, in which one has to speak live in front of some audience. The topic for public speaking vary according to situation. It requires a good communication skills, confidence, ability to persuade audience, and clarity of argument to be a good speaker. Public speaking is very important in every aspect of life, from personal to professional  aspects both requires a good public speaking skills. Person with good public speaking skills is always admired by all. There are different types of public speaking. Majorly,there are five types of public speaking. they are public speaking to inform, public speaking to persuade, public speaking to motivate, public speaking to entertain, and public speaking in ceremonies. To know personal benifits of public Speaking,click here To know professional benifits of public Speaking,

मंच में बोलने के दौरान घबराहट कैसे दूर करें

  आज भी 75 % लोगों के लिए मंच में बोलना आसान काम नहीं है। ज्यादातर लोगों को मंच में खड़े होकर बोलने से डर लगता है। मंच में खड़े होते ही घबराहट आदि होने लगती है।यह समस्या तब और भी बड़ी हो जाती है, जब आप इससे डर कर मंच में जाना ही नहीं चाहते हैं। to read this article in English click here  इसी डर की वजह से आप अपने जीवन में आने वाले सफलता के अनेक मौकों को खो देते हैं। मंच में बोलने के दौरान होने वाली घबराहट को पूरी तरह से दूर तो नहीं किया जा सकता, पर काफी हद तक दबाया जा सकता है। सफल वक्ता अक्सर इन तरीकों के बारे में लोगों से बताते हैं। उनके अनुभव से इस घबराहट को दबाना कोई बड़ी बात नहीं है। बस आपको उन चीजों के बारे में पता होना चाहिए जिन उपायों से आप की घबराहट दूर हो सकती है।  मंच में बोलने के दौरान होने वाली घबराहट को अंग्रेजी में performance anxiety or glassophobia भी कहते हैं।इस तरह की घबराहट होने पर तमाम तरह के लक्षण होने लगते हैं। जैसे- हाथ और पैर का कांपना, आंखों में आंसू आ जाना, गला और जीभ सूखना, जीभ का चिपक जाना,आदि। इन सारे लक्षणों के आते ही आपका आत्मविश्वास शुन्य हो जाता है। इससे

How to address anxeity during public speaking

Public speaking is not a easy task for 75% of people.Most of the people around us fears stage.They feels anxeity while standing in front of public to speak.It seems to a big problem as it will constantly degrade your moral to speak. इस आर्टिकल को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें But,you can easily reduce your fear to speak publicly by addressing this issue.It is not a big deal,if you follow certain tips and tricks while you are going to speak.  Anxiety during public speaking is generally known as performance anxiety, more specifically it is called Glossophobia. In this type of anxiety, people suffers certain symptoms such as teary Eyes, shivering hands and legs, sticky tongue, dry throat, etc.this type of anxiety reduces the confidence level of the person to zero.Even having a good content cannot help you much in speaking in front of audience. Here are some points from which you can reduce your anxiety during public speaking: 1.Know your topic Most of the time the rea

Difference between Central Bank digital currency and cryptocurrency

Digital currency and cryptocurrency, both are frequently used words in economic world these days. However, there is a sharp line of difference between the two.In the meanwhile, people considered both of them are same but it is not so. Here,we are going to explain that what are basic differences between Central Bank digital currency and cryptocurrency  1.Meaning  Central Bank digital currency are essentially the electronic version of Fiat or legal tender money used in any country.  on the other hand, cryptocurrencies currencies is maintained by cryptography technique and can be transferred easily. Broadly speaking, cryptocurrency is a sub-type of digital currency. 2.Example Example of Central Bank digital currency is Hong Kong's Octopus card, which is launched in 1997, Chinese Renminbi.  On the other hand, the example of cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin and Ethereum.   3.Centralisation Central Bank digital currency is highly centralised currency which is managed,

भाषण /एंकरिंग में अपना परिचय देने के अनूठे तरीके

  जब भी हमको कहीं भाषण देना होता है या एंकरिंग करनी होती है जैसे कि स्कूल, संस्था या किसी अन्य जगह पर तो हम सब अपना परिचय कैसे दे??  इसको लेकर संशय में रहते हैं। to read this article in English click here  अपना परिचय देने के कई अनोखे तरीके होते हैं।कई ऐसे भी तरीके होते हैं जिसको हम सालों साल जानते हैं परंतु जब भी हम अपना परिचय किसी नए, अनूठे  तरीके से देते हैं, तो दर्शकों पर इसकी एक अलग छाप पड़ती है।  दर्शक हमारी बात को महत्वता देते हैं और हमारी बात गंभीरता से सुनते हैं। इसलिए किसी भी भाषण, अभिव्यक्ति में अपना परिचय किस तरह से दिया, यह एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका होती है। ऐसे बहुत से तरीके हैं जो आपके परिचय देने के अंदाज को अन्य लोगों से अलग करते हैं। यहां पर आपको कुछ अनूठे अंदाज़ बताए जा रहे हैं। 1. सरल शब्दों में नाम बता कर शुरुआत करें सिर्फ अपना नाम और संबंधित स्कूल या संस्था से अपना संबंध बताना सबसे आसान और पारंपरिक तरीका है। यहां पर आप सीधे और सरल शब्दों का प्रयोग करके अपना परिचय देते हैं।   उदाहरण  : मेरा नाम ______ है और मैं कक्षा ____ का छात्र हूं। मैं यहां पर आप लोगों के सामने आज के

unique lines to give your introduction in speech/ anchoring

Whenever, we are going to give a speech in any platform such as a school, organisation,  institution, or some other place, we are highly concerned about how to introduce ourselves in the beginning of speech or anchoring. I am here giving you innovative unique ideas to introduce yourself ,other than the way  you traditionally learn. इस आर्टिकल को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें There are many ways in which you can effectively introduce you and put a different impression in the mind of audience. 1.Just tell your name Just telling your name and relation with the organisation, is the traditional and easiest way of introducing yourself.Here, you just tell your name and relationship from that institution. For example :- My name is _________ and I am student of class _______ in ________ school. I am here to express my opinion on the topic __________. 2.Identity disclosure phrase  In this technique, you just disclose a few sentences about you and let the audience guess the other one. w